8.1.2 Euler's Method and Backwards Euler 


Given diff(y, x) = `+`(`*`(5, `*`(t)), `-`(`*`(3, `*`(sqrt(y))))) with y(0) = 2 use Euler's Method to approximate t = .1, .2, .3, .4 

with h = 0.5e-1 and h = 0.25e-1 


Then do the same using Backwards Euler's 


It's always a good idea to begin your page with a "restart" command -- so when re-running 

commands, you can start with a blank slate. 

> restart;

> f := (t,y) -> 5*t - 3*sqrt(y);

proc (t, y) options operator, arrow; `+`(`*`(5, `*`(t)), `-`(`*`(3, `*`(sqrt(y))))) end proc (1)

Let's approximate y(.1) using a step size of h = 0.5e-1. This means we need `and`(N = `+`(`*`(.1, `*`(`/`(0.5e-1)))), `+`(`*`(.1, `*`(`/`(0.5e-1)))) = 2) iterations. 

> N := 2; h := 0.05;


0.5e-1 (2)

> # Euler's Method
t[0] := 0: y[0] := 2:
for n from 1 to N do
  t[n] := t[n-1] + h:
  y[n] := y[n-1] + f(t[n-1],y[n-1])*h:
end do:


So y(.1) is approximately... 


> yApprox := evalf(y[N]);

1.599801196 (3)


Now let's approximate and y(.4) using a step size of h = 0.5e-1. For t = .4 we 

need `and`(N = `+`(`*`(.4, `*`(`/`(0.5e-1)))), `+`(`*`(.4, `*`(`/`(0.5e-1)))) = 8) iterations (t = .2is the value after 4 iterations and t = .3 is the value after 6 iterations).

> N := 8; h := 0.05;


0.5e-1 (4)

> # Euler's Method
t[0] := 0: y[0] := 2:
for n from 1 to N do
  t[n] := t[n-1] + h:
  y[n] := y[n-1] + f(t[n-1],y[n-1])*h:
end do:


So y(.2) is approximately... 


> yApprox := evalf(y[4]);

1.292884317 (5)


y(.3) is approximately... 


> yApprox := evalf(y[6]);

1.072415654 (6)


y(.4) is approximately... 


> yApprox := evalf(y[8]);

.9301746251 (7)


Next, let's approximate and y(.4) using a step size of h = 0.25e-1. For t = .4 we 

need `and`(N = `+`(`*`(.4, `*`(`/`(0.25e-1)))), `+`(`*`(.4, `*`(`/`(0.25e-1)))) = 16) iterations (t = .1is the value after 4 iterations, t = .2is the value after 8
iterations and t = .3 is the value after 12 iterations).


NOTE: Because trying to do all of the intermediate calculations exactly is too hard for my computer 

           I will introduce an "evalf" command in the next to last line of Euler's Method. This will approximate 

           the numbers used in the intermediate steps and greatly speed up computation.

> N := 16; h := 0.025;


0.25e-1 (8)

> # Euler's Method
t[0] := 0: y[0] := 2:
for n from 1 to N do
  t[n] := t[n-1] + h:
  y[n] := evalf(y[n-1] + f(t[n-1],y[n-1])*h):
end do:


So y(.1) is approximately... 


> yApprox := evalf(y[4]);

1.611240171 (9)


y(.2) is approximately... 


> yApprox := evalf(y[8]);

1.313607181 (10)


y(.3) is approximately... 


> yApprox := evalf(y[12]);

1.100116860 (11)


y(.4) is approximately... 


> yApprox := evalf(y[16]);

.9625518570 (12)


Now for Backwards Euler's Method. 


Let's approximate and y(.4) using Backwards Euler's and a step size of h = 0.5e-1.  

For t = .4 we need `and`(N = `+`(`*`(.4, `*`(`/`(0.5e-1)))), `+`(`*`(.4, `*`(`/`(0.5e-1)))) = 8) iterations (t = .1is the value after 2 iterations, t = .2is the value after 4
iterations, and t = .3 is the value after 6 iterations).


NOTE: Because trying to do all of the intermediate calculations exactly is too hard for my computer 

           I will introduce an "evalf" command in the next to last line of Backwards Euler's. This will  

           approximate the numbers used in the intermediate steps and greatly speed up computation.

> N := 8; h := 0.05;


0.5e-1 (13)

> # Backwards Euler's Method
t[0] := 0: y[0] := 2:
for n from 1 to N do
  t[n] := t[n-1] + h:
  y[n] := evalf(solve(X = y[n-1] + f(t[n],X)*h, X)):
end do:


So y(.1) is approximately... 


> yApprox := evalf(y[2]);

1.643368035 (14)


y(.2) is approximately... 


> yApprox := evalf(y[4]);

1.371644616 (15)


y(.3) is approximately... 


> yApprox := evalf(y[6]);

1.177630957 (16)


y(.4) is approximately... 


> yApprox := evalf(y[8]);

1.053340660 (17)


Finally, let's approximate and y(.4) using Backwards Euler's and a step size of
h = 0.25e-1. For t = .4 we need `and`(N = `+`(`*`(.4, `*`(`/`(0.25e-1)))), `+`(`*`(.4, `*`(`/`(0.25e-1)))) = 16) iterations (t = .1is the value after 4 iterations,

t = .2is the value after 8 iterations, and t = .3 is the value after 12 iterations). 


NOTE: Because trying to do all of the intermediate calculations exactly is too hard for my computer 

           I will introduce an "evalf" command in the next to last line of Backwards Euler's. This will  

           approximate the numbers used in the intermediate steps and greatly speed up computation.

> N := 16; h := 0.025;


0.25e-1 (18)

> # Backwards Euler's Method
t[0] := 0: y[0] := 2:
for n from 1 to N do
  t[n] := t[n-1] + h:
  y[n] := evalf(solve(X = y[n-1] + f(t[n],X)*h, X)):
end do:


So y(.1) is approximately... 


> yApprox := evalf(y[4]);

1.633008139 (19)


y(.2) is approximately... 


> yApprox := evalf(y[8]);

1.352952030 (20)


y(.3) is approximately... 


> yApprox := evalf(y[12]);

1.152669248 (21)


y(.4) is approximately... 


> yApprox := evalf(y[16]);

1.024066907 (22)