"Seeing" the sign of parital derivatives. 

Source: math2130-fall2016-traces.mw


> restart;



Let's explore the specific surface z = `+`(`-`(`*`(`^`(x, 2))), `-`(`*`(`^`(y, 2))), 4).  


To begin with, I'll plot this surface over the domain `<=`(`+`(`*`(`^`(x, 2)), `*`(`^`(y, 2))), 4). 


> plot3d(4-x^2-y^2,x=-2..2,y=-sqrt(4-x^2)..sqrt(4-x^2),scaling=constrained);





P is a point (actually a tiny sphere) located at x=1, y=1, and z=4-1^2-1^2. 

Q is a point (actually a tiny sphere) located at x=1, y=-1, and z=4-1^2-(-1)^2. 


A is a plot of our surface (in blue). 

B is a plot of a the trace through the plane y=1 (in yellow). 

C is a plot of the plane y=1 (in gray). 


E is a plot of the the trace through the plane x=1 (in green). 

F is a plot of the plane x=1 (in gray). 


> P := plot3d([0.15*cos(t)*sin(p)+1,0.15*sin(t)*sin(p)+1,0.15*cos(p)+4-1^2-1^2],t=0..2*Pi,p=0..Pi,color=red,numpoints=10):
Q := plot3d([0.15*cos(t)*sin(p)+1,0.15*sin(t)*sin(p)-1,0.15*cos(p)+4-1^2-(-1)^2],t=0..2*Pi,p=0..Pi,color=red,numpoints=10):

> A := plot3d(4-x^2-y^2,x=-2..2,y=-sqrt(4-x^2)..sqrt(4-x^2),scaling=constrained,color=blue):

> B := spacecurve(<t,1,4-t^2-1^2>,t=-2..2,thickness=3,color=yellow):

> C := plot3d(<x,1,z>,x=-2..2,z=-1..5,color=gray):

> E := spacecurve(<1,t,4-t^2-1^2>,t=-2..2,thickness=3,color=green):

> F := plot3d(<1,y,z>,y=-2..2,z=-1..5,color=gray):

> display({P,A,B,C,E,F});



Looking at the trace through y=1 (the yellow curve below), we see that at (x,y)=(1,1) [i.e. the red ball] the curve is going down [follow the positive x-axis direction]. This means that  `<`(f[x](1, 1), 0) (the partial of f with respect to x at (1,1) is negative). 


> display({P,A,B});



Looking at the trace through x=1 (the green curve below), we see that at (x,y)=(1,1) [i.e. the red ball] the curve is going down [follow the positive y-axis direction]. This means that  `<`(f[y](1, 1), 0) (the partial of f with respect to y at (1,1) is negative). 


> display({P,A,E});



Looking at the trace through x=1 (the green curve below), we see that at (x,y)=(1,-1) [i.e. the red ball] the curve is going up [follow the positive y-axis direction]. This means that  `>`(f[y](1, -1), 0) (the partial of f with respect to y at (1,1) is positive). 


> display({Q,A,E});

