Solving 1st-order Ordinary Differential Equations using Symmetry

We looked at some symmetry methods for solving first order ODEs. The webpage below is an HTML export of our Maple worksheet which contains some illustrative examples. But first, here are out source files including our research cluster's presentation slides:


Solving First Order ODEs using Symmetries 

April 26, 2012 


NAS Research Cluster Spring 2012: 

Hannah Gilmore  ( 

Michael Kelley     ( 

Hadi Morrow       ( 

Huy Tu                 ( 



Dr. Bill Cook ( 


We looked at solving first order differential equations using symmetry methods. This maple worksheet 

contains a few illustrative examples.  




> restart;


We studied only first order equations which can be solved explicitly for diff(y(x), x). Any such equation can be  

written in the following form: diff(y(x), x) = f(x, y(x)). We then write f(x, y) as a fraction B(x, y)/A(x, y). (There are  

many ways to do this. We usually choose B(x, y) = f(x, y) and A(x, y) = 1.) 


> DEqn := diff(y(x),x)=B(x,y(x))/A(x,y(x)):

diff(y(x), x) = `/`(`*`(B(x, y(x))), `*`(A(x, y(x)))) (1)


In Pfaffian form we have: 


> -B(x,y)*dx+A(x,y)*dy=0;

`+`(`-`(`*`(B(x, y), `*`(dx))), `*`(A(x, y), `*`(dy))) = 0 (2)


Example 1: Our first example comes from Peter Hydon's Symmetry Methods for Differential Equations:  

                       A Beginner's Guide. In fact, it is Equation 1.16 (page 15). 


> B := (x,y) -> (y^3+x^2*y-y-x)/(x^3+x*y^2+y-x):
A := (x,y) -> 1:

diff(y(x), x) = `/`(`*`(`+`(`*`(`^`(y(x), 3)), `*`(`^`(x, 2), `*`(y(x))), `-`(y(x)), `-`(x))), `*`(`+`(`*`(`^`(x, 3)), `*`(x, `*`(`^`(y(x), 2))), y(x), `-`(x)))) (3)


This is equation is of the form: diff(y(x), x) = `/`(`*`(`+`(y(x), `*`(x, `*`(F(`+`(`*`(`^`(x, 2)), `*`(`^`(y(x), 2)))))))), `*`(`+`(x, `-`(`*`(y(x), `*`(F(`+`(`*`(`^`(x, 2)), `*`(`^`(y(x), 2)))))))))) which is found in Table 6.1 (page 158) in Brian Cantwell's  

Introduction to Symmetry Analysis. Such equation's solutions have rotational symmetry. The corresponding  

tangent vectors are... 


> xi := y;
eta := -x;


`+`(`-`(x)) (4)


So we get the following integrating factor which allows one to solve the DE: 


> M := 1/(A(x,y)*eta-B(x,y)*xi);

`/`(1, `*`(`+`(`-`(x), `-`(`/`(`*`(`+`(`*`(`^`(y, 3)), `*`(`^`(x, 2), `*`(y)), `-`(y), `-`(x)), `*`(y)), `*`(`+`(`*`(`^`(x, 3)), `*`(x, `*`(`^`(y, 2))), y, `-`(x)))))))) (5)

> Int(simplify(-B(x,y)*M),x)=int(-B(x,y)*M,x);


Int(`/`(`*`(`+`(`*`(`^`(y, 3)), `*`(`^`(x, 2), `*`(y)), `-`(y), `-`(x))), `*`(`+`(`*`(`^`(x, 4)), `*`(2, `*`(`^`(x, 2), `*`(`^`(y, 2)))), `-`(`*`(`^`(x, 2))), `*`(`^`(y, 4)), `-`(`*`(`^`(y, 2)))))), x...
Int(`+`(`-`(`/`(`*`(`+`(`*`(`^`(x, 3)), `*`(x, `*`(`^`(y, 2))), y, `-`(x))), `*`(`+`(`*`(`^`(x, 4)), `*`(2, `*`(`^`(x, 2), `*`(`^`(y, 2)))), `-`(`*`(`^`(x, 2))), `*`(`^`(y, 4)), `-`(`*`(`^`(y, 2))))))... (6)


Notice that this is what Maple is doing internally. 


> infolevel[dsolve]:= 3:
infolevel[dsolve]:= 1:


Methods for first order ODEs:

--- Trying classification methods ---
trying a quadrature
trying 1st order linear
trying Bernoulli
trying separable
trying inverse linear
trying homogeneous types:
trying Chini
differential order: 1; looking for linear symmetries
1st order, trying the canonical coordinates of the invariance group
-> Computing canonical coordinates for the symmetry [y, -x]
  -> Calling odsolve with the ODE diff(y(x) x) = -x/y(x) y(x)
     *** Sublevel 2 ***
     Methods for first order ODEs:
     --- Trying classification methods ---
     trying a quadrature
     trying 1st order linear
     trying Bernoulli
     <- Bernoulli successful

-> Computing canonical coordinates for the symmetry [0, (-y^4+(-2*x^2+1)*y^2-x^4+x^2)/(x^3+x*y^2+y-x)]

<- 1st order, canonical coordinates successful
`+`(`-`(ln(`+`(`*`(`^`(x, 2)), `*`(`^`(y(x), 2))))), `*`(2, `*`(arctan(`/`(`*`(y(x)), `*`(x))))), ln(`+`(`*`(`^`(x, 2)), `-`(1), `*`(`^`(y(x), 2)))), `-`(_C1)) = 0 (7)


The following plot shows displays the rotational symmetry of the solutions. 


> p[1] := dsolve({y(0) = 1, (D(y))(x) = rhs(DEqn)}, type = numeric, range = -1 .. 1):
p[2] := dsolve({y(0) = -1, (D(y))(x) = rhs(DEqn)}, type = numeric, range = -1 .. 1):
p[3] := dsolve({y(0) = 2.7/5, (D(y))(x) = rhs(DEqn)}, type = numeric, range = -0.95500121 .. 0.19882047):
p[4] := dsolve({y(0) = -2.7/5, (D(y))(x) = rhs(DEqn)}, type = numeric, range = -0.19882047 .. 0.95500121):
p[5] := dsolve({y(0.19) = 0.1, (D(y))(x) = rhs(DEqn)}, type = numeric, range = -0.0090753013 .. 0.20164819):
p[6] := dsolve({y(-0.19) = -0.1, (D(y))(x) = rhs(DEqn)}, type = numeric, range = -0.20164819 .. 0.0090753013):
p[7] := dsolve({y(-0.95500121) = -0.085, (D(y))(x) = rhs(DEqn)}, type = numeric, range = -0.95500121 .. 0.19882047):
p[8] := dsolve({y(0.95500121) = 0.085, (D(y))(x) = rhs(DEqn)}, type = numeric, range = -0.19882047..0.95500121):
p[9] := dsolve({y(0) = 2, (D(y))(x) = rhs(DEqn)}, type = numeric, range = -1.0172241 .. 0.1):
p[10] := dsolve({y(0) = -2, (D(y))(x) = rhs(DEqn)}, type = numeric, range = -0.1 .. 1.0172241):
p[11] := dsolve({y(0) = 0.15, (D(y))(x) = rhs(DEqn)}, type = numeric, range = -0.6786012 .. 0.048796631):
p[12] := dsolve({y(0) = -0.15, (D(y))(x) = rhs(DEqn)}, type = numeric, range = -0.048796631 .. 0.6786012):
p[13] := dsolve({y(-0.6786012) = -0.31, (D(y))(x) = rhs(DEqn)}, type = numeric, range = -0.6786012 .. 0.99825818):
p[14] := dsolve({y(0.6786012) = 0.31, (D(y))(x) = rhs(DEqn)}, type = numeric, range = -0.99825818 .. 0.6786012):
p[15] := dsolve({y(0.048796631) = 0.0475, (D(y))(x) = rhs(DEqn)}, type = numeric, range = -0.0021139841 .. 0.048796631):
p[16] := dsolve({y(-0.048796631) = -0.0475, (D(y))(x) = rhs(DEqn)}, type = numeric, range = -0.048796631 .. 0.0021139841):
p[17] := dsolve({y(0) = 1.1, (D(y))(x) = rhs(DEqn)}, type = numeric, range = -1 .. 2.25):
p[18] := dsolve({y(0) = -1.1, (D(y))(x) = rhs(DEqn)}, type = numeric, range = -2 .. 1):
p[19] := dsolve({y(1.2) = 0.2, (D(y))(x) = rhs(DEqn)}, type = numeric, range = -1 .. 2.25):
p[20] := dsolve({y(-1.2) = -0.2, (D(y))(x) = rhs(DEqn)}, type = numeric, range = -2.25 .. 1):



Example 2:  


> B := (x,y) -> y/(x+(y/x)):
A := (x,y) -> 1:

DEqn := diff(y(x),x)=B(x,y(x))/A(x,y(x)):

diff(y(x), x) = `/`(`*`(y(x)), `*`(`+`(x, `/`(`*`(y(x)), `*`(x))))) (8)


Of the form: diff(y(x), x) = `/`(`*`(y(x)), `*`(`+`(x, F(`/`(`*`(y(x)), `*`(x)))))) 


The table gives us the following: 


> xi := x*y;
eta := y^2;


`*`(x, `*`(y))
`*`(`^`(y, 2)) (9)

> M := 1/(A(x,y)*eta-B(x,y)*xi);

`/`(1, `*`(`+`(`*`(`^`(y, 2)), `-`(`/`(`*`(`^`(y, 2), `*`(x)), `*`(`+`(x, `/`(`*`(y), `*`(x))))))))) (10)

> Int(simplify(-B(x,y)*M),x)=int(-B(x,y)*M,x);


Int(`+`(`-`(`/`(`*`(x), `*`(`^`(y, 2))))), x) = `+`(`-`(`/`(`*`(`/`(1, 2), `*`(`^`(x, 2))), `*`(`^`(y, 2)))))
Int(`/`(`*`(`+`(`*`(`^`(x, 2)), y)), `*`(`^`(y, 3))), y) = `+`(`-`(`/`(1, `*`(y))), `-`(`/`(`*`(`/`(1, 2), `*`(`^`(x, 2))), `*`(`^`(y, 2))))) (11)




> C = -1/2*x^2/y^2-1/y;

C = `+`(`-`(`/`(1, `*`(y))), `-`(`/`(`*`(`/`(1, 2), `*`(`^`(x, 2))), `*`(`^`(y, 2))))) (12)


Maple's solution: 


> infolevel[dsolve]:= 3:
infolevel[dsolve]:= 1:


Methods for first order ODEs:

--- Trying classification methods ---
trying a quadrature
trying 1st order linear
trying Bernoulli
trying separable
trying inverse linear
trying homogeneous types:
trying homogeneous G

<- homogeneous successful
y(x) = `*`(_C1, `*`(`+`(_C1, `-`(`*`(`^`(`+`(`*`(`^`(_C1, 2)), `*`(`^`(x, 2))), `/`(1, 2))))))), y(x) = `*`(_C1, `*`(`+`(_C1, `*`(`^`(`+`(`*`(`^`(_C1, 2)), `*`(`^`(x, 2))), `/`(1, 2)))))) (13)


Example 3:  


> B := (x,y) -> y/(x+(y/x)^2+1):
A := (x,y) -> 1:

DEqn := diff(y(x),x)=B(x,y(x))/A(x,y(x)):

diff(y(x), x) = `/`(`*`(y(x)), `*`(`+`(x, `/`(`*`(`^`(y(x), 2)), `*`(`^`(x, 2))), 1))) (14)


Of the form: diff(y(x), x) = `/`(`*`(y(x)), `*`(`+`(x, F(`/`(`*`(y(x)), `*`(x)))))) 


The table gives us the following: 


> xi := x*y;
eta := y^2;


`*`(x, `*`(y))
`*`(`^`(y, 2)) (15)

> M := 1/(A(x,y)*eta-B(x,y)*xi);

`/`(1, `*`(`+`(`*`(`^`(y, 2)), `-`(`/`(`*`(`^`(y, 2), `*`(x)), `*`(`+`(x, `/`(`*`(`^`(y, 2)), `*`(`^`(x, 2))), 1))))))) (16)

> Int(simplify(-B(x,y)*M),x)=int(-B(x,y)*M,x);


Int(`+`(`-`(`/`(`*`(`^`(x, 2)), `*`(y, `*`(`+`(`*`(`^`(x, 2)), `*`(`^`(y, 2)))))))), x) = `+`(`-`(`/`(`*`(x), `*`(y))), arctan(`/`(`*`(x), `*`(y))))
Int(`/`(`*`(`+`(`*`(`^`(x, 3)), `*`(`^`(y, 2)), `*`(`^`(x, 2)))), `*`(`^`(y, 2), `*`(`+`(`*`(`^`(x, 2)), `*`(`^`(y, 2)))))), y) = `+`(`-`(arctan(`/`(`*`(y), `*`(x)))), `-`(`/`(`*`(x), `*`(y))), `-`(`/... (17)




> C = -x/y+arctan(x/y)-1/y;

C = `+`(`-`(`/`(`*`(x), `*`(y))), arctan(`/`(`*`(x), `*`(y))), `-`(`/`(1, `*`(y)))) (18)


Maple's solution: 


> infolevel[dsolve]:= 3:
infolevel[dsolve]:= 1:


Methods for first order ODEs:

--- Trying classification methods ---
trying a quadrature
trying 1st order linear
trying Bernoulli
trying separable
trying inverse linear
trying homogeneous types:
trying Chini
differential order: 1; looking for linear symmetries
trying exact
Looking for potential symmetries
trying inverse_Riccati
trying an equivalence to an Abel ODE
trying 1st order ODE linearizable_by_differentiation



--- Trying Lie symmetry methods, 1st order ---
-> Computing symmetries using: way = 2
[0, `/`(`*`(`+`(`*`(`^`(x, 2), `*`(`^`(y, 2))), `*`(`^`(y, 4)))), `*`(`+`(`*`(`^`(x, 3)), `*`(`^`(y, 2)), `*`(`^`(x, 2)))))]
<- successful computation of symmetries.
trying an integrating factor from the invariance group
<- integrating factor successful
`+`(`/`(`*`(x), `*`(y(x))), `-`(arctan(`/`(`*`(x), `*`(y(x))))), `/`(1, `*`(y(x))), _C1) = 0 (19)


A couple of plots of some solutions: 


> p[1] := dsolve({y(-2) = 0.1, (D(y))(x) = rhs(DEqn)}, type = numeric, range = -2 .. 2):
p[2] := dsolve({y(-1.5) = 0.5, (D(y))(x) = rhs(DEqn)}, type = numeric, range = -2 .. 2):
p[3] := dsolve({y(-1.05) = 0.5, (D(y))(x) = rhs(DEqn)}, type = numeric, range = -1.08229 .. 2):
p[4] := dsolve({y(-1.05) = 0.1, (D(y))(x) = rhs(DEqn)}, type = numeric, range = -1.100457 .. 2):
p[5] := dsolve({y(-1.01) = 0.01, (D(y))(x) = rhs(DEqn)}, type = numeric, range = -1.392886 .. 2):
p[6] := dsolve({y(-1.4) = 1, (D(y))(x) = rhs(DEqn)}, type = numeric, range = -1.4056867 .. 2):
p[7] := dsolve({y(.5) = 3/5, (D(y))(x) = rhs(DEqn)}, type = numeric, range = -1.014050 .. 2):
p[8] := dsolve({y(-2) = -0.1, (D(y))(x) = rhs(DEqn)}, type = numeric, range = -2 .. 2):
p[9] := dsolve({y(-1.5) = -0.5, (D(y))(x) = rhs(DEqn)}, type = numeric, range = -2 .. 2):
p[10] := dsolve({y(-1.05) = -0.5, (D(y))(x) = rhs(DEqn)}, type = numeric, range = -1.08229 .. 2):
p[11] := dsolve({y(-1.05) = -0.1, (D(y))(x) = rhs(DEqn)}, type = numeric, range = -1.100457 .. 2):
p[12] := dsolve({y(-1.01) = -0.01, (D(y))(x) = rhs(DEqn)}, type = numeric, range = -1.392886 .. 2):
p[13] := dsolve({y(-1.4) = -1, (D(y))(x) = rhs(DEqn)}, type = numeric, range = -1.4056867 .. 2):
p[14] := dsolve({y(.5) = -3/5, (D(y))(x) = rhs(DEqn)}, type = numeric, range = -1.014050 .. 2):


> S := dsolve(DEqn,implicit);

`+`(`/`(`*`(x), `*`(y(x))), `-`(arctan(`/`(`*`(x), `*`(y(x))))), `/`(1, `*`(y(x))), _C1) = 0 (20)

> contourplot(lhs(subs(_C1=0,S)),x=-1.8..2,y=-2.5..2.5,contours=[-0.1,-0.5,-0.7,-1,-2,-5,0.1,0.5,0.7,1,2,5],numpoints=5000,color=red);



Example 4:  


> B := (x,y) -> (y/x)+x*((y/x)^2+1):
A := (x,y) -> 1:

DEqn := diff(y(x),x)=B(x,y(x))/A(x,y(x)):

diff(y(x), x) = `+`(`/`(`*`(y(x)), `*`(x)), `*`(x, `*`(`+`(1, `/`(`*`(`^`(y(x), 2)), `*`(`^`(x, 2))))))) (21)


This is of the form diff(y(x), x) = `+`(`/`(`*`(y(x)), `*`(x)), `*`(x, `*`(F(`/`(`*`(y(x)), `*`(x)))))) 


The table then gives us... 


> xi := 1;
eta := y/x;


`/`(`*`(y), `*`(x)) (22)

> M := 1/(A(x,y)*eta-B(x,y)*xi);

`+`(`-`(`/`(1, `*`(x, `*`(`+`(`/`(`*`(`^`(y, 2)), `*`(`^`(x, 2))), 1)))))) (23)

> Int(simplify(-B(x,y)*M),x)=int(-B(x,y)*M,x);


Int(`/`(`*`(`+`(y, `*`(`^`(x, 2)), `*`(`^`(y, 2)))), `*`(`+`(`*`(`^`(x, 2)), `*`(`^`(y, 2))))), x) = `+`(x, arctan(`/`(`*`(x), `*`(y))))
Int(`+`(`-`(`/`(`*`(x), `*`(`+`(`*`(`^`(x, 2)), `*`(`^`(y, 2))))))), y) = `+`(`-`(arctan(`/`(`*`(y), `*`(x))))) (24)




> C=x+arctan(x/y);

C = `+`(x, arctan(`/`(`*`(x), `*`(y)))) (25)


Maple's solution: 


> infolevel[dsolve]:= 3:
infolevel[dsolve]:= 1:


Methods for first order ODEs:

--- Trying classification methods ---
trying a quadrature
trying 1st order linear
trying Bernoulli
trying separable
trying inverse linear
trying homogeneous types:
trying homogeneous D

<- homogeneous successful
`+`(arctan(`/`(`*`(y(x)), `*`(x))), `-`(x), `-`(_C1)) = 0 (26)


Example 5:  


> B := (x,y) -> y/(x*(ln(x)+ln(y))):
A := (x,y) -> 1:

DEqn := diff(y(x),x)=B(x,y(x))/A(x,y(x)):

diff(y(x), x) = `/`(`*`(y(x)), `*`(x, `*`(`+`(ln(x), ln(y(x)))))) (27)


This equation is of the form `*`(diff(y(x), x), `*`(x)) = `/`(`*`(y(x)), `*`(`+`(ln(x), F(y(x))))) 


The table then gives us... 


> xi := x*y;
eta := 0;


`*`(x, `*`(y))
0 (28)

> M := 1/(A(x,y)*eta-B(x,y)*xi);

`+`(`-`(`/`(`*`(`+`(ln(x), ln(y))), `*`(`^`(y, 2))))) (29)

> Int(simplify(-B(x,y)*M),x)=int(-B(x,y)*M,x);


Int(`/`(1, `*`(y, `*`(x))), x) = `/`(`*`(ln(x)), `*`(y))
Int(`+`(`-`(`/`(`*`(`+`(ln(x), ln(y))), `*`(`^`(y, 2))))), y) = `+`(`/`(`*`(ln(x)), `*`(y)), `/`(`*`(ln(y)), `*`(y)), `/`(1, `*`(y))) (30)




> C=ln(x)/y+ln(y)/y+1/y;

C = `+`(`/`(`*`(ln(x)), `*`(y)), `/`(`*`(ln(y)), `*`(y)), `/`(1, `*`(y))) (31)


Maple's solution: 


> infolevel[dsolve]:= 3:
infolevel[dsolve]:= 1:


Methods for first order ODEs:

--- Trying classification methods ---
trying a quadrature
trying 1st order linear
trying Bernoulli
trying separable
trying inverse linear
trying homogeneous types:
trying homogeneous G
1st order, trying the canonical coordinates of the invariance group
-> Computing canonical coordinates for the symmetry [0, -(ln(x)+ln(y)+1)/(ln(x)+ln(y))*y]
<- 1st order, canonical coordinates successful
<- homogeneous successful
`+`(`/`(`*`(ln(x)), `*`(y(x))), `/`(`*`(ln(y(x))), `*`(y(x))), `/`(1, `*`(y(x))), `-`(_C1)) = 0 (32)


Example 6: 


> B := (x,y) -> y*(ln(y)-x):
A := (x,y) -> 1:

DEqn := diff(y(x),x)=B(x,y(x))/A(x,y(x)):

diff(y(x), x) = `*`(y(x), `*`(`+`(ln(y(x)), `-`(x)))) (33)


This equation is of the form diff(y(x), x) = `*`(y(x), `*`(F(`*`(y(x), `*`(exp(`+`(`-`(x)))))))) 


The table then gives us... 


> xi := 1;
eta := y;


y (34)

> M := 1/(A(x,y)*eta-B(x,y)*xi);

`/`(1, `*`(`+`(y, `-`(`*`(y, `*`(`+`(ln(y), `-`(x)))))))) (35)

> Int(simplify(-B(x,y)*M),x)=int(-B(x,y)*M,x);


Int(`/`(`*`(`+`(ln(y), `-`(x))), `*`(`+`(`-`(1), ln(y), `-`(x)))), x) = `+`(x, `-`(ln(`+`(`-`(1), ln(y), `-`(x)))))
Int(`+`(`-`(`/`(1, `*`(y, `*`(`+`(`-`(1), ln(y), `-`(x))))))), y) = `+`(`-`(ln(`+`(`-`(1), ln(y), `-`(x))))) (36)




> C=x-ln(ln(y)-x-1);

C = `+`(x, `-`(ln(`+`(`-`(1), ln(y), `-`(x))))) (37)


Maple's solution: 


> infolevel[dsolve]:= 3:
infolevel[dsolve]:= 1:


Methods for first order ODEs:
--- Trying classification methods ---
trying a quadrature
trying 1st order linear
trying Bernoulli
trying separable
trying inverse linear
trying homogeneous types:
trying Chini
differential order: 1; looking for linear symmetries

1st order, trying the canonical coordinates of the invariance group
-> Computing canonical coordinates for the symmetry [1, y]
  -> Calling odsolve with the ODE diff(y(x) x) = y(x) y(x)
     *** Sublevel 2 ***
     Methods for first order ODEs:
     --- Trying classification methods ---
     trying a quadrature
     trying 1st order linear
     <- 1st order linear successful
-> Computing canonical coordinates for the symmetry [0, (x+1-ln(y))*y]
<- 1st order, canonical coordinates successful
`+`(ln(`+`(`-`(1), ln(y(x)), `-`(x))), `-`(x), `-`(_C1)) = 0 (38)